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Monday, 11 July 2011

Birthday Bliss ......

Well tonight I am a happy birthday bunny!!!

After an absolute nightmare of a day yesterday - I feel like a different person tonight.
I wont bore you with all the details except to say that I am hoping I do not have to repeat that again - every part of my body ached , I was incredibly nauseous, I could barely walk to the toliet etc etc and spent the enter day in bed moaning and groaning!!
My poor family - they didn't know quite what to do and all left this morning looking slightly nervous as to what they would find when they came home from work and school!

Already this morning I was feeling better - most of my troubles from yesterday had subsided - just slighty nauseous and a bit shakey.
It was the girls first day back to school after the holidays and they weren't too keen to go!
We started the day with a Happy Birthday song and gifts etc - it wouldn't have taken much for all of us to stay together hehex
I was still so pooped I wasn't up to much in any case. In the end they left happily with lots of hugs and kisses all round.

I decided that I would at least shower and shampoo - what I hear you ask - good question???
After yesterday I wanted so to feel fresh so I got sorted - put on my makeup etc - at least then, when I saw myself in the mirror it wouldn't be quite as bad - and then I went back to lie on my bed!!!
I had a decidely lazy morning snoozing on and off for most of it and by lunchtime most of the nausea had lifted.
The chemo unit called to see how I was going and after a chat we are going to up my discharge regime next time so hopefully I don't have a repeat performance after next chemo.

I was very spoilt with lots of cyber birthday greetings and then later on a few lovely friends popped in bearing gifts, flowers and a homemade birthday cake.
I wasn't the liveliest of company but was very special to be thought of!
Before long the girls were home and our lovely family friends with their 2 boys had popped in and the girls enjoyed a cuddle with the new baby.
All in all a wonderful afternoon.....

One of the pressies I got today is a heated throw - yesterday I had been so cold it felt like my bones had been chilled!!
When B came home he wanted to sit on the verhanda with a slice of cake and for me to get a bit of air!!
Well I thought I should test drive my new baby - what an amazing invention. The plug just fitted in through the sliding door and stretched comfortabley to the throw over me .
I was as warm as toast - I can see that will become a firm favorite!!
I was very spoilt with all manner of other lovely gifts and am looking forward to endulging in them!!

The evening finished with a skype call to my folks - how wonderful to see their faces!!
Also to top off the day - I got word from the lovely J who we got our Tea (poodle) from - that her dogs have just had another litter of puppies!
They were born yesterday - and she has very kindly named one after me - her description of the puppy made me quite teary. In different circumstances I would have been quite tempted to add another to our happy family but a puppy is not quite in the mix just now!!!

So isn't amazing what a difference a day makes!!
I am hoping for another bright day tomorrow .......

1 comment:

  1. Well dear , You are doing so well and God willing by the next birthday this will all be behind you and fading away as a bad memory . Glad you are feeling a bit better and I thought you were looking just beautiful on skype . love you lots and keep your chin up , God is good . all my love Dad XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
