Well there is never a dull moment - that is for sure!!!
I am recovering on my bed and out of puff but having such a laugh - but I will get back to that.
I am feeling stronger again today and a lovely friend I havent seen for a couple of months took me out this morning for a bit of a peek at the shops!!
Was great to be out and about! I drove the girls to school and dropped the dog at the groomers!! Nanny is coming so we need her looking and smelling good !!! ( The dog - not Nanny of course!!)
I parked at my friends office nearby where I could leave my car - we only planned to be out for a short while and then she would return to work and I would head back home.
Well we had a great time and was very colourful in the shops - I haven't been for ages!!
Singlets and I have become great friends and I bought a few more for wardrobe adjustment - managed to get a birthday present and a cuppa.
A most successful morning !
Our dog was ready before lunchtime so after returning to my car - I collected her and headed home.
Was feeling tired but happy!
Well this is when the real fun began!
I hadn't been inside long when I heard all manner of a rumpus outside with the geese. They do honk every now and then - especially as it is coming up to spring and new goslings are being made.
Gus our male is very protective of his lady Gemma - and has no hesitation at the moment to go for you if you are too close!!
It has been quite interesting actually as before breeding season he always grabbed any extra food for himself and poor old Gemma never got a look in - now that she is carrying his eggs (we think) he waits and lets her eat first!!
Anyway back to the noise !!
So I look out of the window and up near the tractor shed there is Gemma running around flapping with an empty feed bag wrapped around her neck!!
It is a heavy duty clear plastic bag that holds 25 kg of feed - so bigger than her.
She had somehow got her head through a loop where the bag had been opened and got stuck!!
I will not comment on why it had not been disposed of and left floating around as a goose death trap!!
So here I am on the farm by myself - with a potentially life threatening goose situation.
okay so I know that sounds dramatic - but I was thinking what if she caught it on something or worse went down to the dam and the bag filled up with water and dragged her under!!
So I took action , flung on the wellies and headed their way.
Well of course you can imagine they didn't want me close - not sure if you can quite picture it but there I am - bald headed in wellies - trying to catch a goose with a huge sack around its neck whilst trying to fend off her great white defender Gus whilst keeping my breath!!
I tried different tactics for quite some time with no success and I was feeling pooped!!
I headed back to call B for input!!
Not quite sure what I thought he could do when he was busy at work and unable to get away!! Well felt better to share the load!!
After calling I just couldnt get the image of Gemma guggling in the dam so I thought right one more go and then I'll give up!!
Now as I am more at risk of infection being bitten by a goose or scratched with some farm item was not on the top of my list so I thought I should be prepared!!
I had just bought some very long black rubber gloves at our local shop - they had been half price and I thought they may be handy for protection for me on the farm - they stretched up to my elbows and had a zebra trim . Tres chic oh la la!!
Well I put them on , grabbed a stick and headed back up to the tractor shed.
I planned my attack slowly and steadily - managed to corner Gemma under the tractor - stomped on the bag with my wellie and hey presto I got her free!!!
Yes - fantabulous!!!!
And I had no war wounds to speak of - even better!!
A great deal of honking occurred - I shall interpret that as thank you hehe !!
So now I am exhausted - once more flaked on the bed.
The whole thing was hilarious and if only funniest home videos had been filming!!
I am really hoping that we will see some goslings in the weeks ahead - and who knows maybe Gus will be a little more kind to me when I head that way now that I have freed his lady from her trauma!!
One can live in hope .............
Gus and Gemma .
Well Deb's , What a drama , sorry I was not there to help . What a hoot !! Glad all worked out well but please put yourself first as you are more important to me than a " Trillion " geese . You are my priceless daughter and as you said Mum is on the way so we can get some means to help you . God bless . Love you lots . Dad XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO